Syntax Guide

Syntax Guide

YAML Configuration File Structure

  url: ""
    Content-Type: "application/json"
    session_id: "abc123"
  • global:: This section contains global settings that apply to all tests.
    • url:: The base URL for API requests. Replace "" with your API's base URL.
    • headers:: Default headers for all requests. Here, Content-Type: "application/json" specifies that requests should include this header.
    • cookies:: Default cookies for all requests. session_id: "abc123" is an example of a cookie.
  - name: "Test Example 1"
    path: "/endpoint1"
    method: "GET"
      status: 200
      contentType: "application/json"
        key1: "value1"
  • run:: A list of individual test cases.
    • - name:: The name of this test case. "Test Example 1" is a descriptive name.
    • path:: The specific endpoint path to append to the base URL. "/endpoint1" is the path for this test.
    • method:: The HTTP method to use for this request. "GET" is used in this example.
    • expect:: Expected results for this test case.
      • status:: The expected HTTP status code. 200 indicates a successful request.
      • contentType:: Expected content type in the response headers. "application/json" specifies that the response should be in JSON format.
      • body:: Expected JSON response body. key1: "value1" is the expected content.
  - name: "Test Example 2"
    path: "/endpoint2"
    method: "POST"
      Authorization: "Bearer token"
      session_id: "xyz789"
      status: 201
      contentType: "application/json"
        key2: "value2"
  • Second Test Case:
    • - name:: The name of this test case. "Test Example 2" is used here.
    • path:: The endpoint path for this test. "/endpoint2" is used in this test.
    • method:: The HTTP method. "POST" is used in this example.
    • headers:: Headers specific to this test case. Authorization: "Bearer token" adds an authorization header.
    • cookies:: Cookies specific to this test case. session_id: "xyz789" is used here.
    • expect:: Expected results for this test case.
      • status:: Expected HTTP status code. 201 indicates that the request was successful and a resource was created.
      • contentType:: Expected content type in the response headers. "application/json" specifies JSON format.
      • body:: Expected JSON response body. key2: "value2" is the expected content.


  • Indentation: YAML uses indentation to define structure. Use spaces, not tabs, for indentation.
  • Value Formatting: Ensure values, especially JSON objects, are correctly formatted.